OnuCoop y Manos Unidas lanzan la campaña ‘Vino solidario de Doñana’ en apoyo a los agricultores del Salvador
OnuCoop y Manos Unidas lanzan la campaña ‘Vino solidario de Doñana’ en apoyo a los agricultores del Salvador El acto de presentación ha tenido lugar esta mañana en la Fundación Caja Rural del Sur Por primera vez en la historia de la cooperativa, nuestros productos alcanzan un mercado, tan importante a nivel internacional, como el…
Visita importadores de vino de Corea del Sur
Visita importadores de vino de Corea del Sur El pasado 28/06, recibimos en OnuCoop (Vinícola del Condado) la visita, dentro de una misión inversa organizada por Extenda, de 6 importadores de vino de Corea del Sur. Visitaron las instalaciones, se realizaron catas de los vinos que se producen en la bodega, y degustaron una típica…
El desarrollo tecnológico es clave para situar al sector vitivinícola a la vanguardia
El desarrollo tecnológico es clave para situar al sector vitivinícola a la vanguardia El ministro de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación, Luis Planas, ha asegurado que el desarrollo tecnológico es clave para afrontar los desafíos de futuro del sector vitivinícola y situarlo a la vanguardia. La incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías que combinen la tradición y…
Advierten de que el viñedo de secano «es la única alternativa agraria» para preservar Doñana
Advierten de que el viñedo de secano «es la única alternativa agraria» para preservar Doñana El cultivo tradicional del viñedo de secano es la «única alternativa agraria» para preservar los ecosistemas de Doñana. Sobre ello se escudan los agricultores para reclamar ayudas para un sector que está en severo riesgo de desaparición por, explican desde la…
Día del Vino D. O. 2023: las Denominaciones de Origen se reivindicarán como patrimonio colectivo
Día del Vino D. O. 2023: las Denominaciones de Origen se reivindicarán como patrimonio colectivo El 13 de mayo se celebra la fiesta del vino D.O. Ese día, 33 denominaciones de origen de vino de múltiples zonas de nuestro país llevarán a cabo diferentes actividades en lugares emblemáticos de sus territorios, con un brindis colectivo…
Onucoop, Fruta de Andalucía, Selección Ibérica y Gabitel, finalistas por Huelva en los Premios Alas
Onucoop, Fruta de Andalucía, Selección Ibérica y Gabitel, finalistas por Huelva en los Premios Alas El Jurado Provincial de Huelva de los Premios Alas a la Internacionalización de la Empresa Andaluza 2023, que organiza Extenda-Andalucía Exportación e Inversión Extranjera, entidad integrada en Andalucía TRADE, ha elegido como finalistas de su decimosexta edición a Onucoop, Fruta…
Onucoop doubles the exports of its wines in the midst of a pandemic and already adds 50% of international turnover.
Onucoop doubles the exports of its wines in the midst of a pandemic and already adds 50% of international turnover. Andalusia is experiencing a great moment in international markets by reaching 34,552 million euros in exports for the first time in history in 2021, with a growth of 24.2% compared to the previous year. This is...
Doñana: National Park, Biosphere Reserve
Doñana: National Park, Biosphere Reserve, Wetland of International Importance (Ramsar Convention), Natural Park, ZEPA, LIC, World Heritage and Council of Europe Diploma. Doñana is a territory with great ecological and heritage relevance, which has been recognized with various titles and distinctions at a national and international level. Each of them is briefly described...
What are Biosphere Reserves? Donana
What are Biosphere Reserves? Donana Biosphere Reserves are areas designated by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) that seek to balance biodiversity conservation, sustainable development and scientific research. These reserves are internationally...
The 'Orange Wine of Huelva County', chronology and history
The 'Orange Wine of Huelva County', chronology and history. Condado de Huelva Orange Wine is a fortified wine produced in the Condado de Huelva region, in Andalusia, Spain. Below is a brief chronology and history of this very special wine:15th century: It is believed that the...
UNESCO's Man and Biosphere Program (MaB Program) aims to reconcile nature conservation with socioeconomic development by promoting sustainable practices. Donana
UNESCO's Man and Biosphere Program (MaB Program) aims to reconcile nature conservation with socioeconomic development by promoting sustainable practices. Donana Indeed, UNESCO's Man and Biosphere (MaB) Program aims to reconcile the conservation of nature and...
Ecological and sustainability links of the cultivation of the vine in Doñana throughout the centuries chronology
Ecological and sustainability links of the cultivation of the vine in Doñana throughout the centuries chronology.The cultivation of the vine in the Doñana region, in the province of Huelva, has been closely linked to sustainability and ecology over the centuries. Here are some of the most notable links...
Historical data on the link between the wines of Condado de Huelva and the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus
Historical data on the link between the wines of Condado de Huelva and the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus. The wines of Condado de Huelva have a long history that dates back to Roman times, but its connection with...
5 Curiosities of winemaking in Condado de Huelva
5 Curiosities of winemaking in Condado de Huelva Condado de Huelva winemaking has some curiosities and peculiarities that make it special and unique. Below are some of them: Winemaking from overripe grapes: In Huelva County, it is common to use overripe grapes or raisins to make sweet, semi-sweet...
Tartessian culture and Huelva County wine
Tartessian culture and Huelva County wine The Tartesos were an ancient people that inhabited the region of Huelva and other parts of Andalusia between the 9th and 6th centuries BC. They are considered the first viticulturists in the region, and it is known that they cultivated the vine for the production of wines...
Onucoop exports its wines to China.
Onucoop exports its wines to China. For the first time in the history of the cooperative, our products reach a market as important internationally as the Chinese one. It could be said that entering a market as impressive as the Chinese one is the most important and exciting action in recent years...
More than 500 years ago, the first Condado wines were exported
More than 500 years ago, the first Condado wines were exported. More than 500 years ago, the first wines from the Condado, specifically from Villalba, were exported to American lands, since then and up to the present day, the vineyards are part of the economy, identity, culture and festivals of these towns...