What are Biosphere Reserves? Donana
Biosphere Reserves are areas designated by UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) that seek to balance biodiversity conservation, sustainable development and scientific research. These reserves are internationally recognized and are part of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves.
Doñana has been a Biosphere Reserve since 1980and was designated as such by UNESCO due to its great ecological and cultural wealth The reserve covers an area of more than 50,000 hectares at the mouth of the Guadalquivir River and is home to a great diversity of animal and plant species, including many that are endemic or in danger of extinction.
The Doñana Biosphere Reserve is managed by the Junta de Andalucíawhich works closely with the municipalities in the area and with the different social and economic actors to ensure the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable development of the region. The reserve has research, education and sustainable tourism programs, and is a model of integrated management of the environment and local development